Monday, October 10, 2011


First, let me start off by saying it's a huge blessing to be able to own a home, especially after only being married for three years and on our income. Yesterday was a rough day. I feel like I sort of broke down at church. It hit me- I really miss Corona. Is it lame to miss a city...probably. I don't care. I miss it. I miss knowing my way around a place so well I swear I could drive with my eyes closed. I miss knowing the back ways and side streets and all of the short cuts. I miss not having to look up directions whenever I want to go some place new. I miss driving home and it not taking 30 minutes and feeling like Im on a road trip. I miss the green hills, the slightly cooler temperatures, and that smell by my parents house that reminds me of being a kid and playing in the ditch behind our house. I miss having friends. Real friends. Friends that I know them and they know me. And my kids. I miss being able to go next door and hang out and vent. I miss our old neighbors. I miss going to church on Sunday and knowing almost everyone there and being the one to welcome new people in, not being the new one. I miss my family coming over. I miss being able to walk to the park without being afraid. I just feel a little down I guess.

It's not about me. It's about my kids. Now I get a chance to help them make memories and create a place that they will miss when we leave.
Maybe I am bummed out because I was told Elsinore was the armpit of the Inland Empire. Who wants to live in an armpit? I have never been to a new place (yes Corona is only right down the freeway but I can't just drive there whenever...that's weird) so I think that is why this is so difficult. I know it takes time to adjust, to make friends, to make a house a I will wait and enjoy it. I will try to at least.